Wow so next week is Thanksgiving and I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I only have 3 FULL weeks left of work until I am an official SAHM. At least for a "to be determined" amount of time anyway. To be honest I am a little scared. Honestly I hate taking my kids to a sitter every day. I am away from them for 10 hrs a day, 5 days a week and I feel like myself (and my husband of course) are not the biggest influences in their little lives at this point in time and I don't like that. But there is another side of me that likes the interaction with people my own age and I like making my own money. Is that selfish? I know that this SAHM thing will not be completely permanent but I feel like this time off will really give me a chance to think about what I want to do for the long term and hopefully do something I really enjoy. That possibly being: Massotherapy. I went to school for a semester right out of high school and then dropped out. I am thinking of picking this back up. So many things to think about but most importantly I am going to soak in my precious babies every moment I can....because they grow up way to fast.
Speaking of Growing Up:
My little Curly is now 6 1/2 months old. He is rolling all over the floor to get to where he wants to go. Which is usually wherever I am :) I am still exclusively nursing him which we both love. When I get home from work my husband takes over taking care of Boo and I take Curly in the bedroom for some quiet nursing time. Usually about 15 or 20 minutes. He is babbling like a fool. He can already make an audible: hi. Crazy!
Side note: Boo started talking way early as well. She had probably about 50-75 words in her vocabulary by her first birthday.
He LOVES his jumperoo. He can jump in that thing for hours. He also adores his sister. Loves to pull her hair or maybe hes just trying to get it into his mouth. Not sure which. He doesn't have any teeth yet but it still hurts when he decides to clamp down while nursing. He still sleeps in our bed at night but will not be for long. Boo was out of our bed at around 7 months so I know the time is coming. I hate the thought though. I love having him close!
What else: I'm doing Body for Life to get some of this baby weight off and actually I only have 5 lbs to go before I am the weight I was when I got pregnant with my daughter. I have been doing really well with the diet portion but finding the time to exercise can be a challenge. I think it helps to have a "cheat day" once a week so that I know that I CAN eat some of the things that I am craving at some point. My husband is doing it as well. He doesn't have much of a choice since all I cook are healthy meals now :)
I am getting really excited for the holidays. I know its sounds corny but every Thanksgiving I always think about all the blessings in my life and all the things that I am thankful for. So many things.
Well time to get back to work.